Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Destination Identity

Hi. My name is Kassidy. I am 21 years-old and a senior at BYU. For sixteen of those years I have been a student, and it has become a large part of my identity. As graduation has been getting closer and closer, I have realized that my student status has defined me in many ways. Soon I will lose that part of me, and I’ll start to figure out who I am beyond a girl with a laptop and expensive textbooks. This blog is a way for me to figure out who I want to be, and what that entails.
This quote by Jodi Picoult essentially encompasses everything I want to say.
“It’s about a girl who is on the cusp of becoming someone… a girl who may not know what she wants right now, and she may not know who she is right now, but who deserves the chance to find out.”
I may not know what lies ahead, and I might not know how I am going to get there, but this is my journey of becoming who I want to be one day at a time. 

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